MASTER: Cataloguing rules

Index by element name

Summary of rules

  1. If the elements <acquisition> , <binding> , <custEvent> , <origDate> , <origin> , or <provenance> refer to a datable event or feature, the attributes notBefore and notAfter should be used to mark the beginning and end of the date range referred to: their values should contain a date in the ANSI (yyyy-mm-dd) format.
  2. Whenever the <bibl> element is used, each sub-component should be marked up explictly using a legal sub-element.
  3. The following values should be used for the type attribute within <biblScope> :-
    • volume
    • issue
    • pages
    • chapter
    • part

  4. The level attribute should be assigned a value when the <title> element is used within a <bibl> . One of the following values should be used:-
    • a: analytic title (article, poem, or other items published as part of a larger item)
    • m: monograph
    • j : journal title
    • s: series title
    • u : unpublished material

  5. The names of the following classes of individuals should be marked with the <name> element:
    • scribes
    • binders
    • owners
    • artists
    • scholars

    The type attribute of the <name> element should be used to designate into which category the name falls, (ie, "scribe", "binder", "owner", "artist", or "scholar"). The reg attribute of <name> should be used to record the authoritative form of the name.
  6. Within the <dimensions> element, the sub-elements <height> , <width> and <depth> should be used to specify each dimension.
  7. Use the reg attribute for <country> , <region> and <settlement > within <msIdentifier> to express the regularised form of the names of these elements. Within the element itself, use your preferred form of the name.
  8. Within <msIdentifier> provide an <idNo> element for the current shelfmark only, not for previous shelfmarks. Do not use the type attribute
  9. Do not use the collection element within the <mdIdentifier> if the name of the collection is incorporated into the <idNo> for the item.
  10. In general, use the regularised form of an author's name within the <author> element. throughout a manuscript description. Where the author is known more widely by an alternative form of his/her name, use a <name> element within <author> , and use the <name> element's reg attribute to hold the regularised form of the name.
  11. Within the <msItem> , give the uniform title for an item within the <title> element. Do not use the type attribute for the <title> element.
  12. When referring to a surrogate using a <bibl> element, the <title> sub-element, with the type attribute set to "gmd", should be used to indicate the form of surrogate being described.

The Manuscript Description Element

Datable Elements

<acquisition> , <binding> , <custEvent> , <origDate> , <origin> , and <provenance>

If the elements <acquisition> , <binding> , <custEvent> , <origDate> , <origin> , or <provenance> refer to a datable event or feature, the attributes notBefore and notAfter should be used to mark the beginning and end of the date range referred to: their values should contain a date in the ANSI (yyyy-mm-dd) format.

For example:-

<origDate notBefore="1695-01-01" notAfter="1695-12-31">1695</origDate>

Phrase level elements


Whenever the <bibl> element is used, each sub-component should be marked up explictly using a legal sub-element.

For example, instead of

<bibl>Grech G. M. , 'The Manuscript Tradition of Peter of Auvergne's Unedited Commentary on Aristotle's Politics', Angelicum 41 (1964), pp. 444-445</bibl>


<bibl><author>Grech, G.M</author><title level="a">The Manuscript Tradition of Peter of Auvergne's Unedited Commentary on Aristotle's Politics</title> <title level="m">Angelicum</title> <biblScope type="volume">41</biblscope> <date>1964</date><biblScope type="pages">444-445</biblScope></bibl>


The following values should be used for the type attribute within <biblScope> :-

  • volume
  • issue
  • pages
  • chapter
  • part

For example:-

<biblScope type="pages">444-445</biblScope>


The level attribute should be assigned a value when the <title> element is used within a <bibl> . One of the following values should be used:-

  • a: analytic title (article, poem, or other items published as part of a larger item)
  • m: monograph
  • j : journal title
  • s: series title
  • u : unpublished material

For example:-

<title level="m">Angelicum</title>


The names of the following classes of individuals should be marked with the <name> element:

  • scribes
  • binders
  • owners
  • artists
  • scholars

The type attribute of the <name> element should be used to designate into which category the name falls, (ie, "scribe", "binder", "owner", "artist", or "scholar"). The reg attribute of <name> should be used to record the authoritative form of the name.

For example:-

<name reg="Sanvito, Bartolomeo" type="scribe">Bartolomeo Sanvito</name>


Within the <dimensions> element, the sub-elements <height> , <width> and <depth> should be used to specify each dimension.

For example:

<dimensions type="leaf"><height>90</height><width>60</width></dimensions>

The Manuscript Identifier

<country> , <region> and <settlement>

Use the reg attribute for <country> , <region> and <settlement > within <msIdentifier> to express the regularised form of the names of these elements. Within the element itself, use your preferred form of the name.

For example:-

<settlement reg="Antwerp (Belgium)">Anvers</settlement>


Within <msIdentifier> provide an <idNo> element for the current shelfmark only, not for previous shelfmarks. Do not use the type attribute


Do not use the collection element within the <mdIdentifier> if the name of the collection is incorporated into the <idNo> for the item.

For example, an entry for

<idNo>MS Rawlinson poet. 223</idNo>

should not include a separate entry for collection.

Intellectual Content

The <msItem> element


In general, use the regularised form of an author's name within the <author> element. throughout a manuscript description. Where the author is known more widely by an alternative form of his/her name, use a <name> element within <author> , and use the <name> element's reg attribute to hold the regularised form of the name.

For example:-

<author><name reg="Christine, de Pisan, ca. 1364-ca. 1431">Christine de Pizan, ca. 1364-ca. 1431</name></author>


Within the <msItem> , give the uniform title for an item within the <title> element. Do not use the type attribute for the <title> element.

Additional information


When referring to a surrogate using a <bibl> element, the <title> sub-element, with the type attribute set to "gmd", should be used to indicate the form of surrogate being described.

For example:-

<bibl><title>De sanctitate vitae<title type="gmd">facsimile</title></title></bibl>

Authority Control within MASTER

MASTER, by default, will use the authority form for names, places and uniform titles given in the Library of Congress authority list. This will be supplemented, where there is no such name or place, by our own authority list.


aware that the CSS for these la youts is heavily commented. If you do most of your work in Design view, have a peek at the code to get tips on working with the CSS for the fixed layouts. You can remove these comments before you launch your site. To learn more about the techniques used in these CSS Layouts, read this article at Adobe's Developer Center -

Section heading

Because all the columns are floated, this layout uses a clear:both declaration in the footer rule. This clearing technique forces the .container to understand where the columns end in order to show any borders or background colors you place on the .container. If your design requires you to remove the footer from the .container, you'll need to use a different clearing method. The most reliable will be to add a <br class="clearfloat" /> or <div class="clearfloat"></div> after your final floated column (but before the .container closes). This will have the same clearing effect.

Section heading

An image placeholder was used in this layout in the header where you'll likely want to place a logo. It is recommended that you remove the placeholder and replace it with your own linked logo.

Be aware that if you use the Property inspector to navigate to your logo image using the SRC field (instead of removing and replacing the placeholder), you should remove the inline background and display properties. These inline styles are only used to make the logo placeholder show up in browsers for demonstration purposes.

To remove the inline styles, make sure your CSS Styles panel is set to Current. Select the image, and in the Properties pane of the CSS Styles panel, right click and delete the display and background properties. (Of course, you can always go directly into the code and delete the inline styles from the image or placeholder there.)

Section heading

By nature, the background color on any block element will only show for the length of the content. This means if you're using a background color or border to create the look of a side column, it won't extend all the way to the footer but will stop when the content ends. If the .content block will always contain more content, you can place a border on the .content block to divide it from the column.